Paying Your Bill
The University of Illinois emails students and Authorized Payers, reminding them to view their student account for recent activity and to pay any amount due by the due date. The student account is available online for students and
Authorized Payers to view and print and includes all student account transactions such as: payments received, and charges and credits for tuition, fees, and housing.
Making an Online Payment
Enrolled students may access and print their student account history and billing information online through Student Self-Service.
- Log into your student account through the Access page.
- Select "Make Payment" icon.
- Confirm or Update Payment Amount.
- Select "Payment Method."
- Select "Continue" and follow prompts.
Authorized Payers:
- Access UI-Pay.
- Select "View and Pay Accounts."
- Select "Make Payment" icon.
- Confirm or Update Payment Amount.
- Select "Payment Method."
- Select "Continue" and follow prompts
Acceptable Payment Methods:
Payment Due Dates
Payment is due on the 28th of each month. Tuition and fee charges for fall and spring terms are billed in September and February respectively. Summer term charges are billed in June and/or July depending on enrollment. Visit University Bursar's website to learn more about payment due dates.
Payment Plan
Payment options are available if you are not able to pay our student account balance in full by the billing due date. Visit University Bursar's website to learn more about the UI-Pay Payment Plan.
University Bursar
For more information on understanding your student account,
contact University Bursar by phone at 217-333-2180 or by email at
Noncredit Students
Billing and Payment Information for Noncredit Students
Billing statements do not apply to noncredit students. Noncredit credit students are required to make payment before completing enrollment.
Acceptable Payment Methods
- Online Payment - The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) accepts credit card payments online through UI-Pay, a third-party payment system accessible within CITL's noncredit enrollment form. Credit cards accepted for payment are: American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa.

Company/Employer Payment - In order for CITL to invoice your company/employer for the cost of your noncredit course(s), we must receive a letter on official letterhead from your company, complete with FEIN number and billing address, including a commitment to pay for the specific course.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign C-FOAPAL - CITL will charge your course to your department. You will be asked to provide your department name with the complete C-FOAPAL account number, department contact person, and department phone number.
Questions concerning noncredit payments contact CITL by phone at 217-333-1462 or email us.