Degree-Seeking Students
Following are questions often asked regarding graduation.
When will my degree appear on my transcript?
Your college will review your record and certify your degree following the end of your final term. Your degree will usually be recorded on your academic record approximately 4 weeks after your conferral date.
What is the difference between a degree and a diploma?
A degree is the academic rank or grade earned by completing a specified program of study. A diploma is a paper displaying the name of the degree.
What official documents can the University provide to confirm my degree once it has been awarded?
The University can provide the following as proof of your degree: official transcript, verification of degree, diploma, and certified copy of diploma.
When will I get my diploma?
Your diploma will be sent to your diploma address approximately 9 weeks after your conferral date.
May I change the way my name is shown on my diploma?
If you wish to change your name on your diploma, please send an email, with official documentation of your name attached to For international students, the name on your diploma must be the same as the student’s passport name or in the University of Illinois student academic records.
May I request that my name appear on my diploma with special characters (e.g. accent marks)?
You may email with your name and the special characters. Most requests will be granted.
May I change the address to which my diploma will be mailed?
You may change your address on Student Self-Service located in the Personal Information Tab. The diploma address will be used for diploma mailing.
May I make special arrangements for receiving my diploma?
You may call 333-6383 or email to hold your diploma for pick-up by you or a designee, or mail your diploma to an alternative address.
I know that I am on the pending degree list, but how can I be certain that I have met all of the degree requirements?
If you are undergraduate student consult with the records officer in their college.
If you are a graduate student check with your departmental office.
Will I receive my diploma if I have a hold on my record?
You may not receive your diploma if you have a past-due account balance. You may contact University Student Financial Services and Cashiers Operations with questions about your account balance.
What if I have finished all of my degree requirements but my degree will not be recorded for several weeks and I need written proof that my degree has been earned?
If you are an undergraduate student and you need a formal letter verifying that you have met all degree requirements, contact your college records officer.
If you are a graduate student and you need a formal letter verifying that you have met all degree requirements, contact your departmental office.
For questions relating to graduation, contact the Office of the Registrar by phone at 217-333-6383 or email