
Four University of Illinois Online Master's Degree programs listed in Business Insider's top eight


Business Insider has listed 4 University of Illinois Online Master Degree programs amongst the top 8 prestigious universities offering online degrees.

The College of Engineering offers the Master of Computer Science in Data Science, which equips learners with knowledge from Illinois faculty who have produced seminal research in data sciences. The Master of Computer Science will deepen your computer science knowledge and accelerate your career with a master’s program designed for busy computing professionals.

The Gies College of Business offers the Master in Business Administration (iMBA) which provides students with carefully curated content and focuses on packages of business specialization. The Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA) develops cutting-edge capabilities in analytics through its hands on practice-oriented program.

Online degree programs offered from the University of Illinois provide students the flexibility to earn their degree from anywhere in the world while benefiting from the same instructors and alumni network as students on campus. If you are looking to learn real- world skills entirely online with a relatively inexpensive price tag, check out the many degree programs offered at