University Statements to Students

Student Health Insurance

Students enrolled in ONLY course sections through CITL do not have the option to opt-in for University Student Health Insurance.

FERPA Rights

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, is a federal law that governs educational records. It grants specific rights to students and regulates how institutions must handle educational record, including grades. The main focus of FERPA is to give students rights to see their records and to protect against disclosures of certain information without the student’s consent or specific legal authorization. More information regarding view the following link: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

This message serves as your annual FERPA notification as required by law.

Military Support

The campus' Veterans Resources office provides advising and advocacy to students who are veterans. Financial aid benefits may apply. Veterans may use (subject to student eligibility of benefits) Federal and State Veteran Benefit Programs for semester-based online and site-based courses.

Criminal Record Disclosure

The University of Illinois is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all members of the University community. As part of this commitment, the University requires applicants who are under current indictment or have been convicted of a crime (other than a routine traffic offense or in a juvenile proceeding) to disclose this information as a mandatory step in the application process. A previous conviction or current indictment does not automatically bar admission to the University, but does require review. Complete information must be sent by certified mail at the time of application for admission to: Review Committee, 300 Student Services Building, University of Illinois, and 610 East John Street, Champaign, IL 61820.

Applicants are responsible for verifying receipt by the University and for maintaining a copy of the receipt certifying submission. Information to be submitted, in English, includes: a brief explanation, location (city, state, country) of conviction or current indictment, dates, and court disposition. This statement must also include a grant of permission to the University for complete access to criminal records, if any. For further information on this requirement, call 217-333-0050.

Academic Honesty and Integrity

Student Code

The rules stated in the University of Illinois Student Code apply to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The revised Student Code is divided into three articles:

Using or attempting to use in any academic exercise materials, information, study aids, or electronic data that the student knows or should know is unauthorized.

Faculty members need to make in advance a clear statement of their policies and procedures concerning the use before examinations of shared study aids, examination files, and related materials and forms of assistance. Such advance notice is especially important in the case of take-home examinations.

During examinations, students should assume that external assistance (e.g., books, notes, calculators, conversation with others) is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the instructor.

Students must not allow others to conduct research or prepare any work for them without prior authorization from the instructor. This includes, but is not limited to, the services of commercial term paper companies.

Substantial portions of the same academic work may not be submitted for credit more than once or by more than one student without authorization.


Fabrication is the unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic endeavor.

"Invented" information may not be used in any academic endeavor without notice to and authorization from the instructor or examiner. It would be improper, for example, to analyze one sample in a survey and covertly "invent" data based on that single survey for several more required analyses.

Reliance upon the actual source from which cited information was obtained must be acknowledged. For example, a writer should not reproduce a quotation from a book review without indicating whether the quotation was obtained from the review or from the book itself.

Examples of fabrication:

  • Altering the answers given for an exam after the examination has been graded;

  • Submitting false documents for the purpose of being excused from a scheduled examination or other academic assignment.

Facilitating infractions of academic integrity is defined as helping or attempting to help another to commit an infraction of academic integrity, where one knows or should know that through one's acts or omissions such an infraction may be facilitated.

Examples of infractions of academic integrity:

  • Allowing another to copy from one's work during an examination would be committing a breach of academic integrity.

  • Taking an exam by proxy for someone else is an infraction of academic integrity on the part of both the student enrolled in the course and the proxy or substitute.

Unauthorized removal of an examination or quiz from a classroom.


See Student Code: ARTICLE 1—Student Rights and Responsibilities, (b) Plagiarism


Bribes, Favors and Threats

Infractions of academic integrity include bribing or attempting to bribe, promising favors to, or making threats against any person with the intent to affect a record of a grade or evaluation of academic performance. This includes a student who conspires with another person who then takes the action on behalf of the student.

Academic Interference

This is defined as tampering with, altering, circumventing, or destroying any educational material or resource in a manner that deprives any student of fair access or reasonable use of that material or resource. Educational resources include computer facilities, electronic data, required/reserved readings, reference works, or other library materials.

Academic interference is defined by applicable laws, contracts, or University of Illinois policies (such as unauthorized use of computer licenses, copyrighted materials, intellectual property, or trade secrets). It would also include situations in which the student committing the infraction personally benefits from the interference, regardless of the effect on other students.

“Unauthorized Use of University of Illinois Resources” refers to unauthorized student use of University of Illinois resources for non-educational, private, or commercial purposes.

“Sale of Class Materials or Notes” is the sale to a commercial note-taking service of instructor-provided materials or of classroom lecture notes infringing copyright interests, if the instructor has explicitly requested that this not be done.

Campus Links

Student Code (apply to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.)

The Graduate College Handbook of Policy and Requirements for Graduate Students.