By Selena Adetunji, CITL Marketing Intern
As of June 2023, 66% of U.S. employees work remotely, part time. With the rise and incorporation of remote work, a lot of jobs and internships have become accessible right from the comfort of your home. Juggling a remote internship may seem easier said than done, but with these tips, we hope the transition is made seamless.
Set goals for yourself before you start your internship
Creating a list of goals you want to accomplish before the end of your internship is key to making the most of your time there. Whether it be learning a new skill or having a coffee chat with a coworker, having a list of what you want to achieve will allow you to stay on track.
Stay Organized
Keeping a planner, adding all of your deadlines and meetings into google calendar, or setting up a Notion are many ways you can stay organized during your remote internship. Create a to do list for each day. Don’t forget to pencil in time for a break!
Set up “office hours” for yourself
Most remote internships are project based and with that in mind, a lot of work time could be put off until the last minute, but this leads to added stress, last minute scrambling, and a lack of resources especially if everyone is out of the office. Creating a time frame for work would allow you to have access to the resources you need and get work done efficiently. Setting up “office hours” could look like you going to the library from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm and dedicating yourself to your work duties.
Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback
Maybe you feel like you need more guidance on a project or feel like you did a good job and don’t understand where you may have gone wrong. Asking for feedback is a great way to learn more about something and better prepare yourself for future projects.
Set up one on one chats to get to know people
Working from home may make it harder to build those connections with your peers the way you would have if you were in the office. Reach out to fellow interns, those who work in the same department or someone who is doing work you are interested in. Set up a Zoom meeting or if they are local, a coffee chat. Making connections is another great way to make the most of your remote internship.
Document your achievements
Lastly, record all of your achievements during your time with the company. These achievements would look great on your resume or portfolio and it would be easier to access if job recruiters were to ask about your achievements from your job experiences. It’ll also give you something to compare to that list of goals you wanted to achieve by the end of your internship.
If you are taking a summer course while working this summer, check out this Illinois Online blog post, “How to Balance Work and a Graduate Program,” for tips on how to succeed in both areas.