By Selena Adetunji, CITL Marketing Intern
Are you a music fan but not a music major? If so, you may be interested in taking MUS 132 A: POPULAR MUSIC STUDIES over the winter break.
This 3-credit-hour course is one of the nearly 70 online course sections being offered during Winter Session 2023-2024, which runs December 18, 2023, through January 12, 2024. Winter Session gives current University of Illinois undergraduates and non-degree students a chance to boost their credits and GPA and continue working toward graduation over the break from anywhere in the world on their own time. And with close to 79 courses being offered this year, there’s something for everyone.
MUS 132 A: POPULAR MUSIC STUDIES (3 credit hours) provides an analytical and historical introduction to genres of popular music from the United States and around the world The topic of discussion for this course is “The History of Rock”. Students will develop their understanding of the history and aesthetics of rock music, from the 1940s to the present. Students will have the opportunity to get to know the basic forms of rock songwriting, develop knowledge of the ways musicians and sound engineers collaborate to create recordings, learn the general history of rock music and its importance to musicians, and read and write rock criticism.
Here are nine other courses that might interest you:
Interested in learning about life outside of Earth? This course aims to discuss the search for extraterrestrial life. Topics include: cosmic evolution (protons to heavy elements to molecules); terrestrial evolution (chemical, biological, and cultural); high technology searches for extraterrestrial life in the solar system (Mars, Venus, outer planets); and beyond the solar system (Drake equation and current SETI projects).
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement? No.
You don’t have to take ECON 102 in order to take this class, so there is no prerequisite! ECON 103 introduces you to the theory of determination of total or aggregate income, employment, output, price levels, and the role of money in the economy. Primary emphasis on monetary and fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and international economics.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
ESE 111 A: EMERGENCE OF LIFE, Credit: 3 hours
Emergence of life examines important theoretical and practical questions regarding the origin and evolution of life, as well as the search for life elsewhere in the universe. Uses the pioneering work of Carl Woese, whose "Tree of Life" revolutionized our understanding of the fundamental structure and evolutionary relatedness of all living entities on Earth. This section has one or more proctored exams, which may have additional fees.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Nat Sci & Tech - Life Sciences
GGIS 204 ONL: CITIES OF THE WORLD, Credit: 3 hours
This course provides an in-depth understanding and exploration of global urbanization. Using a comparative regional approach, discuss the recent history of global urbanization, dissect its problems, and offer possible solutions. Approximately ten major regions of the world will be examined, exploring the significant urban patterns and processes, built and natural environments, and social, economic, and cultural landscapes of each.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Cultural Studies - Western Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
IHLT 232: Health Equity in the United States, Credit: 3 hours
Learn about the field of health equity in the United States, including the existence and magnitude of health disparities related to historically underrepresented groups of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds, immigrant and rural populations, gender, age, veteran status, and ability level. This course will also examine relevant issues, frameworks, theories, and solutions.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Cultural Studies – US Minority
PHIL 110 AL1: WORLD RELIGIONS, Credit: 3 hours
In this class, learn about the leading living religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; and examine the basic texts of philosophical theological elaborations of each religion.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Cultural Studies - Non-Western Humanities – Hist & Phi
PSYC 100 A: INTRO PSYCH, Credit: 4 hours
Introduction to psychology is a great introduction course if you are interested in the realm of the mind and behaviors. After completing this course, you will be able to explore more courses in the psychology department to further your understanding of a topic that interests you such as Intro to Brain and Cognition or Child Psych. Introduction to psychology studies human behavior with special reference to perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotional life, and individual differences in intelligence, aptitude, and personality; emphasis on the scientific nature of psychological investigations; and discussion of research methods and the relation of their results to daily life and everyday problems.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Social & Beh Sci - Beh Sci
This course introduces students to the medical, psychosocial, vocational, political, and cultural aspects of disability in America. Development and implementation of disability policy by governmental agencies in this country will be examined, and the role of activism and advocacy in securing civil rights for persons with a disability will be explored. Various philosophical and theoretical models for understanding the disability experience will be offered, and course content will include the key historical events that shaped the present conditions of persons with disabilities. Lastly, students will be introduced to an array of service modalities used to address health and adjustment needs of persons with disabilities.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
SOC 101 01: SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER, Credit: 3 hours
This course explores current questions of gender and their applications to students today. The course will focus primarily on the United States emphasizing individual, interactional, and institutional aspects of the social world. Topics for study include sociological research on femininities, masculinities, gendered bodies, socialization, work, family, politics, sport, and sexualities.
Does this course satisfy a General Education requirement?
Yes: Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
Be sure to check out the online winter course and register today!