By Bella Ramos, Marketing Intern
Are you searching for a Winter Session Course? There are a variety of courses available during the winter term 2022-2023!
Winter Session is an excellent way for students to free up their schedules for Spring 2023. It can lessen the workload of general education courses and prerequisites for particular classes.
Here are ten courses to check out for Winter Session:
MACS 356 A - Sex and Gender in Popular Media, 3 credit hours
This class examines the notion that the mass media influence our development as gendered individuals, looking at those who argue for and against this notion. It also considers different forms of feminist theory applied to the study of mass media, the history and scholarly criticisms of the media and their portrayal of women, and feminist attempts to create alternatives to mainstream media images.
I personally took this class Spring Semester of 2022 and would highly recommend it. It was really engaging and encouraged me to critically analyze mass media through different lenses, while also examining minority representation.
(Satisfies Cultural Studies - Western)
ATMS 120 ONL - Severe and Hazardous Weather, 3 credit hours
Most extreme manifestations of weather and climate are analyzed in terms of their physical basis and their historical, economic, and human consequences. This course examines the interaction between technological advances, the evolution of meteorology as a science, and the impacts of extreme weather (winter storms, floods, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, El Nino).
(Satisfies Nat Sci & Tech - Phys Sciences, Quantitative Reasoning II)
MUS 133 A - Introduction to World Music, 3 credit hours
Interested in world music, but you're not a music major? This class--for music and non-music majors alike-- surveys various musical traditions from different regions and peoples of the world. Students must register for one discussion and one lecture section.
(Satisfies Humanities Lit & Arts, Cultural Studies - Non-West)
ENG 360 A - Environmental Writing, 3 credit hours
This course prepares students to write about the environment for various audiences, with a focus on specific current efforts to promote sustainability on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Students practice effective techniques for each stage of the writing process-from defining topics, to gathering information, to crafting active, engaging prose. Readings will include models of effective environmental writing and "how to" pieces by experts.
(Satisfies Advanced Composition)
ECON 102 ONL - Microeconomic Principles, 3 credit hours
This course is an introduction to the functions of individual decision-makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system. It primarily focuses on the nature and functions of product markets, the theory of the firm under varying conditions of competition and monopoly, and the role of government in promoting efficiency in the economy.
(Satisfies Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci)
PHIL 110 AL1 - World Religions, 3 credit hours
This class surveys the leading living religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Students examine primary texts and philosophic theological elaborations of each religion.
(Satisfies Humanities - Hist & Phil, Cultural Studies - Non-West)
PSYC 100 A - Intro Psych, 4 credit hours
This course studies human behavior with special reference to perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotional life, and individual differences in intelligence, aptitude, and personality. It focuses on the scientific nature of psychological investigations and the discussion of research methods and the relation of their results to daily life and everyday problems.
(Satisfies Social & Beh Sci - Beh Sci)
CLCV 115A - Mythology of Greece and Rome, 3 credit hours
This class explores the major myths of Greece and Rome and their impact on later art, music, and literature. It shares two hours of lecture with CLCV 111, and an additional hour of lecture-discussion for a closer analysis of topics.
(Satisfies Humanities - Lit & Arts, Cultural Studies - Western)
GLBL 100 CF - Intro to Global Studies, 3 credit hours
This is a foundation course for understanding a range of contemporary issues and learning to analyze them from multiple disciplinary perspectives. Students consider globalizing trends within themes of wealth and poverty; population, cultures, and human rights; environment and sustainability; and governance, conflict, and cooperation.
(Satisfies Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci, Cultural Studies - Western Studies)
SOC 101 01 - Sociology of Gender, 3 credit hours
This course is an exploration of current questions of gender and their applications to students today. It will focus primarily on the United States emphasizing individual, interactional, and institutional aspects of the social world. Topics for study include sociological research on femininities, masculinities, and more.
(Satisfies Soc & Beh Sci - Soc Sci)
Check out more Winter Session courses here and register when you sign up for Spring 2023 courses!