Hear what University of Illinois students are saying about Winter Session
Are you an undergraduate or a non-degree student who would like to get ahead in general education requirements? Are you looking to improve your GPA? Or, do you need to take that you can’t fit into your fall or spring semester?
If so, then you should consider taking an online course during Winter Session!
Offering a wide variety of of courses, the winter term begins on December 20, 2021 and runs through January 14, 2022.
It’s a great opportunity for you to take a rigorous yet manageable course from Illinois’ nationally-recognized faculty from anywhere in the world.
Don’t just take our word for it. Read what other Illinois students had to say about a previous Winter Session experience: (All comments were provided via student surveys.)
“I had a wonderful experience with this winter course,” one student wrote about SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology, which he took to have an easier course load in the spring. “It was the perfect amount of material where I felt like I learned a lot but could also balance my life on top of it. I would definitely take a winter course again.”
“I am really glad this option was available over winter break,” another student taking Intro to Psych wrote. “It allowed me to focus on one class and gave me ample time to complete my assignments, quizzes, and readings. Overall, I’m really satisfied with my experience.”
“ASTR 100: (Introduction to Astronomy) was one of the best courses I have ever taken,” one undergraduate shared. “The teachers were wonderful, and the material was engaging.”
“I needed to fulfill a general education requirement, and I really enjoy the subject matter, so I decided it would be best to finish it when I had the most time,” wrote another student who took ASTR 100. “Both instructors were really good at lecturing. I enjoyed the sense of humor they brought to the lectures, and their passion for the subject.”
“I plan to graduate a full year early so if this course helps me get extra credit hours so I can accomplish my goal,” wrote a student who took ATMS 120: Severe and Hazardous Weather. “I felt this course was wonderful and a perfect wintertime course. The weekly Q&As were very helpful in working through the challenge problems, and (the professor) got back to us in a rather timely manner. I enjoyed this course and the material thoroughly, and I felt it was just the right amount of material for the four weeks while still giving us enough information to learn.”
“I really enjoyed the course,” a student wrote about GWS 356B: Sex & Gender in Popular Media. “I was scared that I would be swamped with work this break since the course is so condensed, but this wasn’t the case. The clear calendar for when assignments were due, access to all the modules and lack of exams made the course manageable.”
“This is the most useful and most well-designed course I have taken in my four years at the U of I,” another student wrote about ACE 240 Personal Financial Planning. “I will highly recommend this course and professor to my peers.”
“This course made me want to take another Winter Session course,” wrote a student who took Psych 100: Introduction to Psychology to beef up her credits. “Overall I really enjoyed this experience and wouldn’t change a thing.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed ECON 203 online,” another student wrote of her

course. “Having assessments so frequently didn’t leave me any time o forget material. I think I learned more taking this course over four weeks than I would have if I’d done it over a full semester.
What are you waiting for? Register now at ONLINE.ILLINOIS.EDU/WINTER. (NOTE: Undergraduate students are limited to taking one winter session course, and the session is not open to graduate students.)
One course could make all the difference!