Graduate Degrees

Weather and Climate Risk and Data Analytics

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

The Department of Climate, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences offers a Master’s degree in Weather and Climate Risk and Data Analytics, designed to meet the demand for atmospheric scientists with post-graduate education in the:

  • computational analysis/analytics of weather and climate data using Python and R
  • implementation and use of predictive models for the weather-climate interface
  • assessment of weather- and climate-related risk

This particular skill set is different than, but complementary to that of traditional weather forecasting, and is particularly desirable in the private sector, which is the fastest-growing employment sector in the atmospheric sciences. The program is fully online, which precludes the need for an extended absence from a current position and/or personal responsibilities, and otherwise maximizes learning flexibility.  The degree is designed to be completed within two years. Students completing the Online Master’s Degree in Weather and Climate Risk and Data Analytics Program complete six required courses (24 hours), along with a capstone project (8 hours), for a total of 32 credit hours. Prospective students may contact the Online Program Faculty Coordinator in Atmospheric Sciences, Dr. Alicia Klees, at for additional information.