Graduate Degrees

Civil Engineering/Data Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Grainger College of Engineering

The Data Science courses balance data science methodology and disciplinary contents from different CEE areas of study. The goal of the certificate is to provide students with expertise in data science as it applies to civil and environmental engineering topics.


  • CEE 498DS Data Science for CEE: Students will learn to leverage data to study CEE problems, identify patterns and make actionable insights. The course include training in digital and computer tools (such as data processing, exploratory data analysis, spatial data, data visualization, distributed computing, and statistical modeling) with their applications to CEE issues. Class offered every fall semester.
  • CEE 498MLC Machine Learning for CEE: Students will learn the fundamentals behind advanced machine learning and learn how to use machine learning tools to solve CEE problems. Topics include regression, Bayesian inference, deep neural networks, scientific deep learning, and Gaussian Processes. Class offered every spring semester.
  • CEE 498ISL Infrastructure Sensing Lab: Students will learn basic strategies for experimental design, and gain experience working with a variety of CEE sensing techniques; with components in experimental design and approaches to terrestrial, field, and laboratory-based measurements and experiential learning to explore sensor types and technologies. The course will have modules on 4 sensing applications: (1) mechanics and materials, (2) water and environment, (3) transportation, and (4) construction. Class offered every spring semester.