Online Graduate Certificates

Cancer Education and Management in Underrepresented & Diverse Communities

College of Education

The Cancer Education and Management in Underrepresented & Diverse Communities (CEMUDC) online Campus Graduate Certificate (CERT) program trains individuals who aspire to be cancer researchers, health care providers, and community stakeholders in developing and implementing cancer management solutions and designing and conducting studies to measure the change in response to cancer management interventions in underrepresented communities (URC). This program will be offered starting in Fall 2023.

Department: Education Policy, Organization and Leadership

Upon completing the CEMUDC CERT, recipients will be able to: 

  • Engage with underrepresented communities (URC) to promote innovative cancer management interventions (ICMI). 
  • Assess the needs of URC for ICMI. 
  • Design solutions to implement ICMI into URC with sustainable efficacies. 
  • Manage the implementation of ICMI for translational impact. 
  • Evaluate the outcomes of ICMI for continuous improvement in evidence-based practices.